The National Science Foundation and the Florida State University have jointly invested ~$6 million towards the development of a next-generation Polysonic Wind Tunnel (PSWT) for developing flow control and noise reduction technologies and flow diagnostics. The development of a PSWT, with a large Mach number range (0.2 to 5), 12-in. test-section and advanced diagnostics will create a unique, shared resource to a) advance key fundamental sciences in the active flow control and noise reduction techniques; b) develop transformational technologies; c) translate them to applications; and d) attract, educate and help retain a diverse pool of engineers and scientists. This facility will serve as an essential research tool because it: a) allows the study of active-adaptive control technologies, such as sonic boom mitigation, in practical configurations and subsystems; b) permits study of fundamental thermal-fluid physics over a range of scales and complexities; c)facilitates the development of advanced diagnostics, such as Background Oriented Schlieren, pressure sensitive paint(PSP) and Tomographic Particle Image Velocimetry in complex flows to obtain the data needed to elucidate fundamental physics and facilitate the development of high-fidelity multiphysics computations; and d) serves as a shared resource for universities, research organizations and industry. The PSWT will thus produce critical fundamental knowledge while dramatically accelerating transformative research and ensure a more efficient translation to next-generation platforms.The PSWT is large enough to be very useful to industry, ensuring its long-term use and sustainability, yet small enough to be efficiently operated by university personnel for fundamental research. It will engage students in multidisciplinary fundamental and practical problems and state-of-the-art diagnostics.


November 18, 2013
Commissioning of Polysonic wind tunnel meeting.

September 30, 2013
Startup and Commissioning has begun on the wind tunnel. We have officially had our first blowdown.

July 10, 2013
Installation of the polysonic wind tunnel began as the first truck arrived at FSU!

July, 2013
Fabrication of the polysonic wind tunnel began at Merrill Fabricators. We are proud to say that the polysonic wind tunnel is made in the USA!

April 27, 2012
FSU hosted Aiolos for the 100% design review meeting, and fabrication can now begin.

December 1, 2011
The 60% design review meeting was held at Calspan in Buffalo, NY.

September 29, 2011
A teleconference was held to review the 30% design completion of the wind tunnel.

August 25, 2011
The kickoff meeting for Aiolos's wind tunnel design was held at FSU.

August 5, 2011
Aiolos was awarded the contract for the polysonic wind tunnel.

June 15, 2011
Final proposals were submitted from three companies, and an internal review process began.

January 26, 2011
FSU issued an invitation to negotiate for the polysonic wind tunnel.

Florida Center for Advanced Aero-Propulsion

From cutting-edge research to practical applications the Florida Center for Advanced Aero-Propulsion (FCAAP) can meet the needs of today's rapidly evolving aerospace industry.The Center's objectives are to train a highly skilled aerospace workforce, and to design and develop new technologies and products based on industry requirements. In addition to its innovative facilities and resources, FCAAP boasts an interdisciplinary research team with extensive expertise in a multitude of areas including aeronautics, aerospace, propulsion and space sciences.

FCAAP is headquartered at the Florida State University, joined by the University of Florida, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University and the University of Central Florida. It is this unique four-university partnership that allows the Center to provide such diverse research capabilities.

The Florida Center for Aero-Propulsion (FCAAP) is the premier University-based consortium for "end-to-end" research solutions. Offering contracted services that utilize FCAAP's faculty expertise and advanced facilities, FCAAP will provide cutting-edge technological solutions for the aerospace industry.

For more information about the center,please visit their website,